Dr. Suresh Immanuel
Associate Provost of Academic Partnerships
Associate Dean, School of Engineering & Computer Science
Professor of Civil Engineering
Room 250A, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Dr. Suresh Immanuel is the Associate Dean in the School of Engineering and Computer Science and a tenured Professor of Civil Engineering. He served as Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering before assuming his current role. He is a registered professional engineer and the recipient of the 2018 Dean's Teaching Award. He received the Outstanding Reviewer award in 2012, 2014, and 2017 from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Transportation Engineering. Dr. Immanuel has served as a committee member in many national level ASCE Committees. He was involved in many university level committees such as Academic Services Committee, General Education Subcommittee, Curriculum Committee and served as the University Ombudsperson for two years. He is a civil engineering program evaluator for the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc (ABET). He was awarded the 2023 Eykamp Prize in recognition of extraordinary contributions to the University of Evansville.
- Master of Science (MS) in Leadership (Higher Education), University of Evansville, 2020
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Civil Engineering, Auburn University, 2007
- Master of Engineering (ME) in Highway and Transport Management, College of Engineering Guindy (CEG), Anna University, India, 2004
- Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy (CEG), Anna University, India, 2001
Previous Experience:
- Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Construction, Bradley University, Peoria, IL
- Faculty Research Associate, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
- Research Assistant, National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT), Auburn University, Auburn, AL
- Engineer, Secon Surveys Private Limited, Bangalore, India
Specialty Areas:
- Pavement Design and Analysis
- Pavement Condition Assessment and Management
- Asphalt Technology
Professional Memberships:
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Chi Epsilon
Honors and Awards:
- Eykamp Award
- ICI Leadership Academy Fellow
- Deans Teaching Award
- ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering Reviewer of the Year
- ASCE Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd) Fellow
- NAPA Fellowship
- Caterpillar Fellowship
- Auburn University Graduate School Fellowship
- State Government of Tamilnadu Scholarship
Publications: (Previously published under the name Suresh Immanuel Selvaraj)
- Immanuel S., “Correlation Between the Course Knowledge Survey Results and Student Performance in a Civil Engineering Course,” 2022 ASEE IL-IN Section Conference, Anderson, IN. April 2022.
- Kaklamanos, J., & Ghanat, S., Shillaber, C., Kunberger, T., Barry, B., Griffiths, S., Walton-Macaulay, C., Immanuel, S., Saftner, D., Swan, C. “Instruction and Assessment of Mohr’s Circle Concepts in Undergraduate Geotechnical Engineering Courses,” 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. July 2022.
- Ghanat, S. T., Kaklamanos, J., Kunberger, T., Walton-Macaulay, C., Immanuel, S., Saftner, D.A., Berry, B.E., Griffiths, S., Shilabar, C.M., Swan, C., “Bias and Precision in Instructor Grading of Concept Inventories in Geotechnical Engineering Courses,” 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa Bay, FL. July 2019.
- Ghanat, S. T., Kaklamanos, J., Walton-Macaulay, C., Selvaraj, S. I., Saftner, D.A., Swan, C., Kunberger, T., “Assessing the Impact of Educational Factors on Conceptual Understanding of Geotechnical Engineering Topics,” 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, June 2018.
- Allen, J. H., Fulcher, J., and Selvaraj, S. I., “Assessment of Student Learning in Undergraduate Engineering Courses Using Quizzes in Lieu of Homework,” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio, June 2017.
- Ghanat, S. T., Kaklamanos, J., Selvaraj, S. I., Walton-Macaulay, C., and Sleep, M., “Assessment of Students’ Prior Knowledge and Learning in an Undergraduate Foundation Engineering Course,” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio. June 2017.
- Ghanat, S. T., Kaklamanos, J., Ziotopoulou, K., Selvaraj, S. I., and Fallon, D. J., “A Multi-Institutional Study of Pre- and Post-Course Knowledge Surveys in Undergraduate Geotechnical Engineering Courses,” 2016 ASEE’s 123 Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA. June 2016.
- Selvaraj, S.I., “An Effort to Instill Entrepreneurial Mindset Through Teaching Modules in Undergraduate Civil Engineering Courses,” 2014 ASEE IL-IN Section Conference, Terre Haute, IN.
- Selvaraj, S.I., “Incorporating Different Design Aspects of Land Transportation in the Introductory Level Undergraduate Transportation Engineering Course,” 2013 ASEE IL-IN Section Conference, Angola, IN.
- Selvaraj, S.I., “Review on the Use of Instrumented Pavement Test Data in Validating Flexible Pavement Mechanistic Load Response Models,” The Eighth International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, China, Elsevier, pp 819-831.
- Swenty, B., Valenzuela, M., Allen, J., Selvaraj, I., “Assessing Program Educational Objectives Using a Web-Based Alumni Survey System,” ASEE Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, June 2010.
- Immanuel, S., Timm, D.H., “A Field Calibrated Shear Strain Rut Prediction Model,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting CD-ROM, Washington D.C., 2007.
- Timm, D.H., Newcomb, D.E., Selvaraj, I., “A Practical Guide to Low-Volume Road Perpetual Pavement Design,” International Conference on Perpetual Pavements, Ohio, 2006.
- Immanuel, S., Timm, D.H., “Measured and Theoretical Pressures in Base and Subgrade Layers under Dynamic Truck Loading,” Proceedings of Airport and Highway Specialty Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, Atlanta, 2006. pp. 155-166.
- Immanuel, S., Lakshmi, S., “Testing Temperature Related Performance of Bituminous Mixes,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural and Road Transportation Engineering, 2005, pp. 551-558.
- Immanuel, S., Vasudevan, J., “Trends of Safety in Bus Transport-A Case Study of Tamilnadu State in India,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Transportation Systems Planning and Operation, TRANSPO 2004, Chennai, India.
- Subramanian, K.P., Murugaasan, R, Immanuel, S., "Review on the Use of Alternative Materials for Highway Construction in India,” Indian Roads Congress Conference Souvenir, 149th Annual Session at Pondicherry, 2003, pp. 49-58.
- Suresh M.B., Immanuel, S., "Comparative Evaluation of Pavement Rating Techniques – A Case Study in India,” Seminar on Pavement Failures, Analysis and Remedial Measures, Hyderabad, India, 2003, pp. 1-10.
- Saravanan, G., Immanuel, S.S., “Bus Stop Rationalization Using GIS,” Proceedings of the International Conference on GIS – Map India 2003, available in www.gisdevelopment.net, 9 pages.
- Vijayalakshmi, Immanuel, S.S., “Urban Public Mass Transport Integration- Case Study of Mass Rapid Transit System in Chennai,” Proceedings of the National Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment, Hyderabad, India, 2003, pp. 151-156.
- Immanuel, S.S., “Strategies for Safety Planning of Bus Transport in India,” Proceedings of National Seminar on Safety in Public Transport, Chennai, India, 2002, pp 80-83
- Raja, S., Immanuel, S.S., “Driver Education and Licensing System in the Context of Transport Safety,” Proceedings of National Seminar on Safety in Public Transport, Chennai, India, 2002. pp. 54-58.